時 間
13:30 ~ 14:00
14:00 ~ 14:05
Opening address
Dr. Peter Shih / Chairman and founder
Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association
14:05 ~ 14:25
Promotion of sustainable energy in The Netherlands
Mr. Jan Huner / Area Director for Taiwan
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency
14:25 ~ 14:40
Research & Development in solar energy in Germany
Mr. Raoul Kubitschek / Science & Technology Officer
German Trade Office in Taipei
14:40 ~ 15:10
Solar Highlights in the Southern Netherlands
Mr. Eelko Brinkhoff / Project Director BOM
Mr. Mart Dijk / Deputy Director Foreign Investments Asia LIOF
15.10 ~ 15.30
Access to world class industrial research facilities, services and expertise
Mr. Richard Visser, Customer Relations Manager MiPlaza, Philips Research
15:30 ~ 15:50
Coffee Break
15:50 ~ 16:15
Solland Solar: cross-border solar cell manufacturer
Mr. Jan-Willem Hendriks / Director Marketing, Sales & Strategic
Partnerships, Solland Solar BV, Heerlen
16:15 ~ 16:45
Setting up a solar energy business in The Netherlands
Ms. Lisa Lee / Van Mens & Wisselink N.V. Amsterdam
16:45 ~ 17:00
Q & A
17: 00 ~ 17:30
Informal networking